Monday, March 14, 2011

Ugly Stages

Seeing as I'm still waiting for my primer to set up fully, I figured it was time to dive in and start painting BAD.  One basecoat of acrylics later and man does he look ugly.  It so looks like I've been painting him with food too doesn't it?  Smear some peanut butter on his flanks, drizzle his legs in chocolate syrup, and smooth some nutella on his back.  Sounds yummy!

He'll be getting his first layer of oils today and I'll be working on eliminating his similarity to my favorite treats.  Haha


Anonymous said...

Haha! It's nice to see that other people have that look when they start out. It's a very familiar sight.

Heather said...

You have no idea how happy I am to hear that! I've never painted a horse in oils before, paintings yes, pastel a horse, absolutely, but oils is new. XD