Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dreary Day

Like most of the counrty, I'm being swamped with rain. Makes for a good day of getting things done indoors. So I guess you can thank the weather for an actual update with model horses today. Terrang is 99% done. He needs a little more detailing on his tail, one more layer of primer, and then I can finally paint him! Yay! Well, provided I don't give in to the voice telling me to redo the mane and tail. But yeah, time for photos! I'm pretty pleased with how he came out so far.

This photo makes me think the his legs are too short.  Maybe it's just his uber long neck becuase they measure out correctly when compared to his head.  Do you guys think I should lengthen them?
Aie, I just noticed that my cloth kept getting in front of his feet.  They are all the same size and length, honest.
Yes, I desperately need a photo booth, the shadows are not appealing.
And a few close-ups of the tail.  I'm pleasantly pleased with the flow, but I'm not terribly fond of the detailing I did.  Must resist the urge to tear it off!
Like always, all photos are clickable to em-biggen. : )

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