Friday, March 4, 2011

Technical difficulties

Progress has been, well, progressing in the studio.  Now if only my computer would stop fighting me then I could show instead of tell!  Somthing is screwy with the SD card reader on my laptop and it won't read anything I put in it.  This would be an easy work around, but my camera doesn't connect directly to the computer either.  So in between waiting for things to dry I've been trying to get that up and working again.  I think I may have finally figured out what's wrong, but if not I'm going to have to go get an external card reader.  Fingers crossed that it works!

Obligatory sleepy rattie photo here.  XD


Braymere said...

Ahhhh, what a cute rattie!

(S/he needs a saddle!)

Heather said...

I don't think my ratties would be nearly as cooperative as your Basil was! Maybe I could bribe one of them with food...