Sunday, August 14, 2011

Less Than Productive - 63 days

I had the best of intentions.  Honest.  Yesterday I was good, I finished prepping and did a final layer of primer on the Smittyn and the CM Dainty Darcy.

Painting time!
Today I was going to get at least their acrylic base coat on.  But that didn't quite work out.  Instead I headed to Hackettstown to visit my two friends there and hopefully work on some models that needed custom work done still.  It it so much easier to drag my epoxy and sculpting tools around intead of my huge tackle box of paints.  Well, I never did get around to working on the models, but we did do a photo shoot.

Did I mention that I did have the best of intentions?

Look!  It's a fleshed out version of this guy from Danielle Feldman's blog!

Vacuum pony!

You can't tell me you never did this in school.  XD

Ok, maybe you never had the decapitated horse head...

Rolling buddies!

My body!  It's come back from the dead for my head!

Yes, he has a spoon for a head.



These aren't even all the shots we took.  I think I need to stay away from these troublemakers until after the show is over.  Or at least until I permanately attach "spoony's" head. 

In other news, I will get back to the comments left on my blog shortly!  Thank you all! 


Anonymous said...

I must admit, I have done that before, too. Maybe not in school (imagine the looks I'd get), but I'm still guilty. And I must say, though you had a very unproductive day, it made a great blog post. I was crackin' up when I saw the spoonhead horse. Too funny.

Last Alliance Studios said...

That's brilliant! XD

Heather said...

Anon - I don't have to imagine the looks, I got them! In college none the less. My friends and I were (are) super silly sometimes. Glad you enjoyed the post! I was worried I might lose some watchers that thought I was crazy! Lol

LAS - It was one of those days, what can I say. XD