Wednesday, February 22, 2012

I has a cookie...

And I'm sharing it with all of you!  Om nom nom!  Waaaaay back in November I made a random post with a photo of my burnt cookie.  Remember this?

Yup! Still crunchy!

There is a second part that goes on top of this slighty overcooked base. 

It's a pony!

He started out last year as my entry for the 2012/2013 NAN cookie contest, but quickly got too big for their requirements.  There is still a fair bit of work to do on this guy before final detailing.  Mostly in trying to make the neck, shoulders, barrel, and haunch look OK.  In other words, most of him.  And that other ear might be important too.  And to top it off he's a booger to photograph!  Yikes!

I've been using this photo of the Oldenburg stallion Royal Hit as referance.  He's just so handsome.


So!  That's my cookie!  With any luck I'll have him finished in a month or two.  And I am strongly considering casting him if people like him.  He's a goodly size at just over 4 inches.  : )

1 comment:

talkingMongo0se said...

I don't remember seeing him before. Love it!