Friday, October 3, 2014

Check please!

He's done!  *flail*

Prepped, primed and ready to prance into your (or your favorite painters!) studio for some color!

I am very pleased with how he came out, and hope somebody out there will love him from his flippy forelock...

to his flagged tail!  It's always a little sad when one of my customs sells, but I love seeing them in some real color!

Somebody snap him up so I can go torture... err, treat!  another pony!  You can find him on MHSP here!

Chop chop!

Monday, September 8, 2014

Riding the slow train

But good things take time, yes?

"I fall to pieces..."
 Okay, that guy needs a lot more time...

But this one is nearly done!  A simple mane and tail change, only 15 months in the making.  :P  Why yes, I do feel like the slowest customizer ever.

Mr. Fancy Prance

 Just a tiny bit left to do on him, then I can get him prepped and primed.  He will most likely be fore sale unpainted as I have nowhere good to paint at the moment.  So look for him on MHSP in, say, another 3 months.  HAHAHA, maybe I can find some magic and get him up by the end of September.  No one hold me to that!  Good things take (a ridiculous amount of) time (around here).  ;)

Monday, June 30, 2014

Long Time Gone

But with any luck, there may be some things in the near future!

Shifu is pleased with creative cranage